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SSAI API Error Reference

This topic provides an error reference for the SSAI API.

General error messages

Status Name Message Cause
400 BAD_REQUEST Invalid JSON body on request There's an error in JSON for the request body; could be a basic JSON issue, or an incorrect type for a field value
400 BAD_REQUEST "error": "{fieldname} field is required Request body is missing the indicated required field
400 AD_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND Ad config not found Ad configuration specified in an SSAI request was not found
400 AD_CONFIG_INACTIVE Ad config is inactive Ad configuration specified in an SSAI request is inactive
401 UNAUTHORIZED Permission denied. Missing or invalid OAuth access token. If you did supply an access token, it may not have for the appropriate scope for this request
403 NOT_AVAILABLE Resource is not available. The resource you are requesting is temporarily unavailable - this may be a temporary condition while some kind of processing of the video is in progress, but if the message persists, contact Support.
404 NOT_FOUND Resource does not exist. You requested a resource that does not exist - you might be trying to update an ad configuration or get an ad trace on a session that no longer exists. This error will also be returned if you use and HTTP method not allowed on the endpoint.
500 UNKNOWN an unknown internal error occurred Issue in Brightcove system - try again later.
503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE The API is temporarily unavailable Backend issue - try again later.
504 TIMEOUT something took too long Server likely too busy - try again later.